Our Values

Understanding Customer Needs

Customers are unaware of what they really need. Needs are usually unconscious, global, deep, and long-term. Our business development team uses proven market research and product development methodologies and techniques to explore and cluster the customer emotional benefits at each store visit. We understand and define the needs of each of our customer at different geographic locations, store type, and hour of visit. We respect all our customers’ needs and we pattern them, recognizing the importance and the way of thinking, and constantly work to satisfy as much as we can.

Play an active role in the local community

We want to play an active role in our local communities and make sure we are being a good neighbour. We believe in making a difference in the communities where we live and work, every single day. This begins with jobs and our support for local economies, but there is much more to it than that. Our stores are at the heart of the communities that they serve. They are places where customers can learn about new products ranges and get back real value for money.

Provide ‘a great place to work’

It’s the hard work and commitment of colleagues that makes achieving our goals possible. We want all our stores and head-office to be places where everyone is valued and supported. Being a great place to work is not only rooted in our heritage and values, it is also crucial to achieving our business objectives. Every store and the head-office should be a place where skills and development are encouraged, and where our values and principles are not simply words but actions. Making this a reality is down to us. By recruiting, retaining and engaging the best people, from backgrounds that best reflect our communities, we can make our business a great place to work, which in turn helps us deliver great service to our customers.